Photo by: Brooke Boriack |
By: Brooke Boriack
Ask anyone at Fire Station Studios and they will tell you that it all began in the 80s with singer/songwriter Lucky Tomblin. With a vision of creating a premier recording studio in San Marcos, Tomblin purchased an old fire station from the city.
Ask anyone at Fire Station Studios and they will tell you that it all began in the 80s with singer/songwriter Lucky Tomblin. With a vision of creating a premier recording studio in San Marcos, Tomblin purchased an old fire station from the city.
The studio functioned solely as a private commercial studio
for many years, until Tomblin and Dr. Jerome Supple, former president of Texas
State University, brainstormed the idea of converting the studio into a recording
“We’ve been here ever since,” said Bobby Arnold, engineer
and professor at the studio. “We have a lot of great humans that have made this
place what it is; Jerry [Jerome] was one of them.”
The Fire Station is now owned and operated by Texas State University where students of the Sound Recording Technology Program take
classes and gain hands on experience from professionals.
“The goal of the program is to expose students to the most
variety as possible,” said Director of Recording Arts Mark Erickson.
The program has a 20-year history of graduating students.
Arnold said that alumni visit Fire Station Studios frequently to
offer professional advice to current students.
While the studio primarily functions as a teaching facility,
students also assist with commercial projects.
Among the many artists who have recorded at the studio are The Texas Tornados, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Terri Hendrix.